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Wordpress saviours!

Wordpress saviours! Featured

08 April 2019 | Published in iGOweb News and Blog. Read 5456 times.

We are honouring ourselves here at Penny Web. Of late WordPress has been growing increasing bulkier and demanding higher server resources which in turn slow sites and page speed scores.

"Google is now ranking all sites first as a mobile site and then as a desktop site!"

Google has updated their ranking policy & algorithm, and if your site is both slow on a mobile and not mobile optimised you will sadly be thrown down the rankings. This poses a massive threat for our clients so we have spent the last 8 weeks developing and testing our WordPress sites and we are proud to say we have devised a software, server, caching system that gives all WordPress users at a super fast website!

"Customers of ours that have chosen to be optimised have seen site speeds increase over 1,000%!"

Customers of ours that have chosen to be optimised have seen site speeds increase over 1,000%! So how do we do it I hear? We have a rather simple process:

  • Upgrade your site to our SSD, uncapped and fully optimised dedicated server
  • Set you up on our industry leading update & security API
  • Scan your site for malware
  • Optimise your website files
  • Optimise your images
  • Install premium caching software
  • Configure site and caching variables
  • Improve website databases
  • Select up to date PHP version
  • Correctly configure file caching and your .htaccess file
  • Test and deliver exceptional results!

Please see results below from an e-commerce customer.




wordpress google


That is a load time saving of 55.4 secounds!

Contact us today to see how we can help you!



Last modified on Monday, 08 April 2019 13:05